

Sunday, April 15, 2018

And Then You're Dead by Cody Cassidy and Paul Doherty

And Then You're Dead was very appealing to me. Each chapter focuses on a specific way a human can and has died, but it cranks everything up to 11. I learned so many fun facts to tell people when I'm invited to parties. Although the fact that I'm interested in this book is probably why nobody invites me to parties.

The chapters detail the many ways you can die, from being sucked out an airplane window (You actually can't get sucked all the way out, you'd just make it halfway and then flop violently against the plane) to being a literal Cookie Monster. Honestly, there are quite a few chapters where you get reduced to atoms (or worse) and I can't really follow the transformation very well. Overall, the sciencey parts aren't too hard to follow though.

So, what fun things did I learn? Well, I learned that banana peels really are the slipperiest fruit. In fact, they are slipperier than the fluid that lubricates human joints. Also, do you know that the number of calories in food is calculated by exploding said food and then measuring the amount of energy it gives off? It's also exciting to know the best way to survive if your elevator cable snaps, and your best chances of survival if a shark bites you. I'm not telling you here,'ll have to invite me to your party.

And Then You're Dead was a fun bit of popular science. It's both educational and made me laugh a couple of times, which you wouldn't expect given the subject matter. I can't wait to show off my new knowledge the next time someone accidentally invites me to a party, or if some apocalyptic event happens, go on a date. Nothing says romance like talking about death.

Thank you to Ms. Amanda/alwaysanswerb for sending me this book for our CBR Book Exchange! I loved getting something so different to read.