"Emoni has always had a passion for cooking. Ever since she was young, she had an instinct for adding extra flair to her recipes, almost never making the same dish the same way twice. Some even claimed that her cooking is magic, even brings back forgotten memories. Emoni isn't sure about that, she just likes to cook.
During Emoni's senior year, her school finally introduces the perfect elective: culinary arts. This class will focus on Spanish cuisine, and there will be a special trip to Spain. It's an exciting opportunity, but also challenging for Emoni, who will have to work very hard to make sure she graduates while also juggling a part-time job at a burger restaurant and the full-time job of raising her two-year-old daughter. An extra class, and an expensive foreign trip, seem out of the question. Yet, Emoni still signs up for the course.
Culinary Arts is amazing, seeing all the kitchens and utensils finally put to good use. Unfortunately, starting with the basics gets Emoni feeling a little antsy. When the teacher criticizes her for adding a little extra flair to a dish instead of sticking to the recipe, Emoni starts to skip the class. It seriously worried me because I cared about her and worried about her academic future, and it also worried her new friend Malachi. Emoni doesn't have much time or interest in boys, but new student Malachi shows a lot of interest in her. Despite her initial protests, Emoni eventually warms up to him.
With the Fire on High was a really great book. It was really hard not to care about the characters, especially Emoni. I rooted hard for that girl. I would love to try her cooking!